Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why Coffee Time

I left you a voice message at the bottom of the page (something like listening comprehension). Since some of you have slow internet connection, I decided to write the text of my message here.
I started drinking coffee very early in my life. My mother says I was nine years old. I don't think it was a good idea, because, as we all know, coffee forms addiction, so now I get very irritable if I don't get my morning coffee.
Still, I think coffee is great. What it does for me - it makes me happy. Coffee is about sharing - sharing good stories with your friends, letting others into your life.
When my mom gave me my first cup of coffee, she let me into the world of grown-ups. I can remember long summer afternoons with my parents. We talked and talked, and we enjoyed being together.
Nowadays people walk down the street and drink coffee from paper cups. I myself do it. Next time you buy your take-away coffee, find a bench and sit down. Look around you. Smile. Life is beautiful.


Maru del Campo said...

Hi Natasa!
I have been thinking how to add something from Mexico here and the only way seems to be in the comment area.
But the comment area does no accept embed tags.
Please let me know how can I do it.
Love: Maru

Natasa said...

Oops, we have a problem. I would like it to be a real post, not a comment, but I have no idea how to do it.
I guess you could send it to me via gmail, and I could publish it, but there must be an easier and more elegant way.
I will ask in the Blogging4Educators forum.
Hope you had a nice weekend.

Natasa said...

I have worked it out. I have added you as an author and I believe Blogger has sent you an invitation.
Thank you in advance. I am looking forward to your post.