Friday, April 18, 2008

This is how we will be learning English from now on

This new method is called Crazy English. Take a look at the video.

You can read more about Crazy English here:


Maru del Campo said...

Hi Natasa!
This is an interesting video. I wonder how they gathered so many people to make it.
I had heard before the term "Crazy English" but I did not know what they were talking about. So, it refers to teaching English to crowds? Please let me know.
Love: Maru
P.S. I have sent you several emails, did you receive them?

Natasa said...

Hi Maru,
I don't know much about it myself. What I know I learnt from the text (there is a link at the bottom of the page under the video). Obviously the man who has invented this method has also given it its name.
I meant it as a joke when I said "This is how we will be learning English from now on", but I do like the enthusiasm of all those people.
I'll ask my students to watch the video and find out what they think.